Wednesday, July 22, 2009

temptation and joy

you see my straying eyes as i search for satisfaction.
divided heart is troubled and moves in a direction
that is far from you and ignores you and pulls me far away.
desires mount, frustration grows as further my heart strays.

and i wish that i could pull the reigns and keep myself from harm,
and look into your promises and feel your peace and calm.
but only anxious thoughts and woeful prospects cloud my mind
so with one blind eye i search the world and see what i can find.

'happiness is what you need, just reach on out and take it!'
is what they say to lift the spirits of the lost and wasted,
who climb the ladder, up and up, and up and up they go,
not realising their very steps are keeping them below.

there was a time an age ago when all i did was trust,
but now i know temptation grows, with jealousy and lust.
and people change and come and go with every different season,
leaving me between the realms of emotion and reason.

so as i watch the sands of time trickle down before me,
i find myself with no other choice than to lay down and adore thee.
for you know my black heart and all its failings, blemishes and flaws,
my spiteful words, ungracious deeds; my impure, selfish thoughts.

yet everytime i turn from you to seek my joy elsewhere,
you never cease to show your love, your grace, mercy and care.
and deep down i know there's no one else to which my life can cling,
but the one who truly satisfies, my everlasting king.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

one fine day

laughter, chatter.
eggs on toast.
friendship calling,
sunday roast.

perfumed air:
a coconut scent
fun blonde curls
for no event.

zebra crossing,
smiling face.
cake and coffee
takes its place.

talks of life,
and love and more.
God opens a window
and shuts a door.

twenty four hours
of one fine day
lets close our eyes
and sail away.